EOTAS stands for Education Otherwise Than At School. It's an option for young people who are unable to attend mainstream or special school. This could be due to illness, exclusion, or other reasons.
How does EOTAS work?
If the local authority agrees that a young person cannot attend school, EOTAS provision can be arranged. This decision is made through an EHC (education, health and care) assessment. It's important to note that parents cannot make this decision alone. The local authority must be involved to ensure that there are no other options available at a school setting that could meet the child's needs.
EOTAS vs. home education
EOTAS is distinct from home education. In home education, the responsibility for the child's education falls entirely on the parent or carer. With EOTAS, the local authority takes on this responsibility, including the associated costs.
Examples of EOTAS provision
Here are some examples of the types of support that may be provided under EOTAS:
Home tutoring
Tuition centers
Hospital school
Speech and language therapy
Online schooling
Equipment budget
This provision can be made available for young people who are unable to attend an early years setting, school, or college.
Resources for learning more about EOTAS
Home education and ‘education otherwise’ | (IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice
EOTAS-Resource-Final.pdf (sendandyou.org.uk)
Alternative provision - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Education Access - The Education Access Team (essex.gov.uk)
I hope this blog post has been helpful! Let me know in the comments if there is an educational term, approach or provision that you would like to know more about.