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Reggio Emilia Approach

  • Reggio Emilia is a city in Northern Italy, with Italian educator, Loris Malaguzzi, founding the Reggio approach in early childhood education. 

  • In this approach, teachers serve as co-learners, adapting the learning environment and resources to suit the child.

  • Parents teach problem solving and social skills through play based activities.

  • Reggio Emilia follows the notion that children learn in a variety of ways, terming this The Hundred Languages. 

  • The Hundred Languages are a metaphor for the potentials in children. It is the responsibility of those around the child to ensure all 'languages' are given equal value, whether verbal or non verbal. 

  • The interior and exterior spaces are interconnected and shared amongst adults and children alike. 

  • This approach is student-centered fostering independence and lifelong learning, encouraging children to be part of their own learning journey.

  • Children are seen as strong individuals who should be afforded opportunities to reach their potential

  • Expressive arts play a central role in this type of learning. 

  • This approach draws on the thinking of theorists such as Bruner, Dewey, Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky.

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