Reggio Emilia Approach
Reggio Emilia is a city in Northern Italy, with Italian educator, Loris Malaguzzi, founding the Reggio approach in early childhood education.
In this approach, teachers serve as co-learners, adapting the learning environment and resources to suit the child.
Parents teach problem solving and social skills through play based activities.
Reggio Emilia follows the notion that children learn in a variety of ways, terming this The Hundred Languages.
The Hundred Languages are a metaphor for the potentials in children. It is the responsibility of those around the child to ensure all 'languages' are given equal value, whether verbal or non verbal.
The interior and exterior spaces are interconnected and shared amongst adults and children alike.
This approach is student-centered fostering independence and lifelong learning, encouraging children to be part of their own learning journey.
Children are seen as strong individuals who should be afforded opportunities to reach their potential.
Expressive arts play a central role in this type of learning.
This approach draws on the thinking of theorists such as Bruner, Dewey, Erikson, Piaget, and Vygotsky.
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