Publications & News
Publication: Article published with The Conversation on Home Education: Why are so many parents choosing it over mainstream school. Link Here
Attended ChildCare Expo show, 2024, in London.
Attended The Nursery World 2024 Show in London.
Publication: Article accepted with SAGE Publications: 'Using Literature Reviews to Research Marginalized Groups: The Case of Research on Carers in Higher Education'. - (Open Access Link)
Attended the Mothers at Home Matter (MAHM) conference on Mothering Identity.
Event presentation: Attended the SRHE conference in December 2023 and presented two papers: 'Doing the dirty work of academia? Ancillary staff in higher education' and 'Making connections between research and ancillary staff experiences in higher education'.
Event presentation: 'Parent, Teacher...or both? The dual role of the home educator' presented at Anglia Ruskin University PGR research conference.
Media event: Spoke on the Teachers Talk Radio podcast : GCSEs as a Home-Educated Student. (Link to Podcast)
Event presentation: Attended the BERA annual conference and presented work on 'Exploring the experiences of home-educated families’ access to GCSE level qualifications and the barriers they face.'
Publication: Article accepted into SAGE Open journal: 'Teacher Perspectives on primary-secondary transition projects during the COVID-19 pandemic' - (Open Access link.)
Home Education: Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges - presented at the ARU annual research conference: Research and Public Value. May 2023​
Publication: Abstract accepted for the BERA annual conference in September 2023 - presenting author on the project: 'Exploring the experiences of home-educated families’ access to GCSE level qualifications and the barriers they face.'
Publication: Article accepted into the International Journal of Educational & Life Transitions (IJELT): 'Widening access for Home-Educated Applicants to Higher Education Institutes.' (Open Access link).
Event presentation: Presented Home Education research at the launch of a university initiative, Safe & Inclusive Communities.
Funding awarded at ARU for new project: 'Exploring the experiences of home-educated families’ access to GCSE level qualifications and the barriers they face.'
Media event: Spoke on the Teachers Talk Radio Podcast - Home Education: The what, why and how. (Link to podcast)
Publication: Article accepted into Review of Education journal: 'Through a glass, darkly: Gazing into the field of carers in academia. (Open access link)
Publication: Article accepted for the Encyclopedia of Social Justice: Gender and Sexuality with my piece titled Homeschooling and Mothering Work. (In production - link to follow)
Event presentation: Presented findings for 'Widening access for Home-Educated Applicants to Higher Education Institutes' at the Chelmsford Science Festival.